3 Arm Toning Exercises for Women

Here’s an article sent to me from Joan at The Women Lifestyle Blog:

Arm exercises for women are aimed at getting women the toning in their arms that they know they deserve. Do these exercises, then look forward to showing off your well-toned arms in four to six weeks.

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1. Skull Crusher

Skull crusher is the best arm exercise for women. If done in the right way, you will note the improvement in your arm-toning endeavor.

Lie on a flat bench and take light bar bell. Position barbell over shoulders with arms extended. Lower bar to forehead by bending elbows. Extend arms and repeat.tone 2

Note : Repeat this repetition for as long as it doesn’t hurt and without feeling any strain. Use a spotter if you need help with the weight.

2. Cable Curls

This arm exercise requires the use of a cable machine, but it is worth it since you can expect noticeable and quick results if you do cable curls correctly.

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Grasp low pulley cable bar with shoulder width under hand grip. Stand close to pulley. With elbows to side, raise bar until forearms are vertical. Lower until arms are fully extended. Repeat.

3. Barbell Biceps Curls

clip_image006This should be the core bicep exercise in your bicep routine. It allows you to go heavy and is one of the easiest to do in terms of getting the technique correct.

Begin by standing with your feet shoulder width apart and grasp bar with shoulder width under hand grip. With elbows to side, raise bar until forearms are vertical. Lower until arms are fully extended. Repeat.

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In order to get the greatest outcome from this exercise, you have to keep your elbows close to your sides at all times. Make certain that both of your elbows do not move during the repetition.

You can visit TheWomenLifestyle for more information about women health, beauty and lifestyle. Happy exercising !



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