Fearsome Foursome Workout

It always happens…you’re visiting someone and you can’t get away for a workout, or you have your car in the shop and you’re stuck at home with no equipment, you’re at your cabin or you’re camping, it’s a holiday weekend and nothing is open…there are endless reasons for you to skip a workout.

That is, you can always FIND a reason to skip a workout if you want to. I’ve got a ton going on in my life these days with a kitchen renovation planned and company in the house….

But there’s really NO reason to miss a workout when you have a simple circuit like this one. You’ll find you work your upper body, lower body, core and heart in this one.

I recently went on a rant about the condition of your heart and how you can save it with simple HIIT training methods. You can read that rant here.

In any case, I did a fun workout with my friend Sylvia, The Pilates Chick in the video. Take a look:

Here’s the plan…do 30 seconds of work and a 5 second transition of the following exercises:

  • squats
  • push ups
  • burpees
  • plank recovery

Repeat four times for the ‘Fearsome Foursome’ for a 10 minute mini workout that will do in a pinch.

If you like this style of workout, you really need to check out my friend, Mike Whitfield’s ‘finishers’. They’re short and sweet, but devilishly difficult. His workouts help burn fat like a torch. In fact, Mike lost 105 lbs doing them.

Check out ‘Workout Finishers’. Mike has them on half price this week to celebrate his birthday 😉

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