Pilates – How To

Learning something new: it can be fun but a little overwhelming. Especially if it’s something a little out of your comfort zone. Fitness falls into this category for many of my readers and Pilates especially may be brand new. The nice thing about Pilates is less is more….

My pal and master Pilates trainer, Sylvia, visited me recently and I grilled her about the benefits of Pilates here:

If you have a suspension trainer, here are two cool moves for you:


Here are some tips to keep in mind for the suspension trainer exercises:

Core Roll-Up:
*Keep ribs pulled into the body and belly button pulled in.
*Legs are squeezing together as you roll up and down.
*Arms extended and straight.
*Control your move so you are not tumbling down.

Hip Openers
*Keep hips externally rotated while moving legs.
*Back extended at all times.
*Ribs pulled in and towards the body.
*Do not arch back while legs are moving.


In this video,  Sylvia takes me through her favorite Pilates exercises to do at home. Give them a try too:


Chest Lift Toe Taps
-interlace the fingers
-keep distance between the chin and chest
-keep feet up at a 90 degree angle, maintain the 90 degree angle
-touch the toes to the floor
-engage the pelvic floor
–tap the toes on the inhale, exhale as you lift the toes back up

Chest Lift Alternate Toe Taps
-keep the hips square to the floor
-keep the knee stacked on top of the hip

Chest Lift Leg Leg Extension
-Maintain 90 degree angle at the knee with the knees stacked over the hips
-Extend the legs out together
-Hinge at the knee so that the legs bend and straighten
-Ensure to keep the back pressed into the floor


Sylvia told me that she’d keep her special birthday sale up just for us. So, if you want to get a strong core and challenge yourself with some intense body weight workouts, then you’ll want to tap into the exact secrets Sylvia knows.




You can save 50%==>> HERE


You’ll get the whole program and you’ll receive all these bonuses too, for less then $20



Happy birthday to my pal Sylvia! You get the gift – grab it before she takes down the page midnight tonight.


Check out her birthday sale HERE. Imagine how you’ll feel when your tummy is as flat and toned as Sylvia’s.


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